The other name for these treatments; Thermal Reconditioning, Reverse Perms, Japanese Straightening and Relaxers. This treatment essentially breaks your hair’s disulphide (internal) bonds using a strong chemical formulation of sodium hydroxide, ammonium thioglycolate to permanently straighten hair.
Permanent means that your hair will remain straight until new hair is grown (regrowth). This gives your hair the ‘pin-straight’ look’ which is the straightest hair you can get.
Ready to overcome the daily straightening struggle? Then it’s time to consider our chemical straightening service.
Side Effects Of Permanent Hair Straightening
- Mix of straight and curly hair when the hair is growing.
- Repetition of the process to retain the look.
Post Care
- With so many products used on your hair, restore health and nutrition by eating healthy and having lots of water.
- Use only recommended hair care products as recommended by the stylist.
- Avoid scrubbing hard with a towel.
- Follow the specified rules by the stylist and make routine salon visits.